A metaphor for life - skiing!

I was lucky enough to be skiing this morning before work and I spotted a poster on a lift which said, "voie la vie autrement" - see life otherly or differently. I liked that and it struck me that this is what I help my coaching clients to do: to look at life from different points of view, see themselves how others see them, try new things, make new connections, have different conversations...

As I skied in less than ideal conditions, I realised that skiing makes an excellent metaphor for life and work:
- conditions vary - a usually icy slope can become accessible on a warm day
- a closed slope means having to try another route - conquer a new piste or discover a new route, it feels good
- brown snow is depressing to see but if you're agile you can negotiate it and find your way back to the white stuff
- similarly, people standing in the middle of the piste can be really annoying - just get round and deal with them like any other obstacle
- ending up on a drag life (ugh!) - what's at the end of it, is it taking you somewhere new?
- moguls form even on the easiest slopes when it gets too warm, making the going tough - what a great opportunity to practise your mogul skiing in a safe environment
- visibility can be poor as you get up high - with good goggles, it's manageable and it usually means snow is coming, which is great!

Different conditions open up different opportunities - just as in life. Our environment is rarely perfect but with the right tools, the right attitude and an open mind, a tough day that pushes us outside our comfort zone can mean a really satisfying day. Also, a day when something bad happens can still be a great day...there's good and bad in every situation. I faced all of the above today but I had a wonderful morning! Voie la vie autrement !


Awe inspiring nature


International Women’s Day